The debate between the gender role of men and women has been a constant battle since the beginning of civilization. I know it sounds rhetorical but woman have sure had there uphill battles in there fight for equal rights and lets not forget how recent it was that women achieved there equal rights. It wasn’t until 1920 that women achieved the right to vote in America with passing of the 19th amendment. The uphill battle still goes on today, the disparities between the genders still exist. The lingering question is though, why does still go on?
Simone De Beauvoir’s “the Second Sex” tries to examines this question for us in a most interesting answer. She explains that the relationship between men and women is communal in the sense one cannot live without the other. Its biological, one needs the other to survive and pro create. Although she explained, “she is defined and differentiated with reference to man and not he with reference to her”, even in writing and speech they cannot free themselves escaping man. Think about the words: feMALE, woMAN, as she would explain that women throughout the past have been referenced as the other sex. She also explains also that the only way women where to exit this peril was to get up and see eye to eye with men. I believe this explains the idea of the Post-Modern woman, with the gains in technology and rampant globalization.It seems we aare the stage of seeing a lot of women in a lot of high ranking positions with more opportunities of course granted to them.. The funny thing is during this semester we discussed that globalization or the spread of capitalism. It’s funny because I remember discussing that capitalism is destroying culture but without-it women would be stuck in the same position. Correct? I guess that’s a question for another day
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