Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cultural Identity

The idea of self 

The idea of self explains an individuals indispensable characteristics that make them unique. The essence of ones self is explained through there family, interests, friends, religion and all other facets of human existence. Though these are represented in our uniqueness, society sometimes does not allow these distinctive traits to be presented. Society has a distinctive out look on what the perfect person should be. Case in point, Patrick Bateman, Christian Bales character in the film American Psycho, In the film Bateman is a wealthy Wall Street invester , with high priced apartment, good looks, a beautiful fiancé. All the items that necessitate the ideas of the American Dream. Inside of him though lurks a dark person with homicidal fantasies that kills just for the fact that he likes to do it. This an extreme case of this but a powerful notion as Batemen explains through the film  that he is built to look as society wanted him to be but in reality he is living a lie.As individuals we do put up façade to appease our peirs, parents, employers, colleagues but is there a price to pay for this? As one of my friends used to say “You ain’t gotta lie to kick it”. So even though we as individuals don't take it to the level Batemean does but are we as much different in objective view?


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